El impacto del coronavirus COVID-19 en la economía

El impacto del coronavirus en la economía global aun no se ha desplegado, pero por los datos que aparecen, tiene pinta de que va a ser fuerte.

[…] the data points that can be marshaled to make sense of the macroeconomic picture are not good. Chinese oil demand was down 20 percent earlier this month, “probably the largest demand shock the oil market has suffered since the global financial crisis of 2008 to 2009, and the most sudden since the Sept. 11 attacks,” […] Factories are not running at full capacity either. Pollution near Shanghai, a reliable and hard-to-fake indicator of economic activity, has plummeted […] Prices for bulk carriers that move iron ore and coal have collapsed […]

It will be a long time before we understand what the outbreak did to the global economy.