Katheleen Booth, pionera del software

Imagina que cada vez que quieres ejecutar un programa de ordenador distinto tienes que cambiar todo el cableado interno, físicamente. Pues eso es lo que había que hacer en 1946 antes de que Kathleen Booth pusiera remedio a esto inventando el lenguaje Ensamblador. […] Computers like ENIAC initially had no internal storage for code. Programming it involved manipulating thousands of switches and cables. The positions of those switches and cables were the program.[…] The Booth family moved to Canada in the early 1960s, where Kathleen and Andrew continued working in academia; she retired in the late 1970s, but an article search shows a paper by her and her son, Dr. Ian J. M. Booth, entitled Using neural nets to identify marine mammals dated 1993 when she would have been 71 and still going strong. Kathleen Booth was died aged 100, September 29, 2022. Kathleen Booth | medium.com

Deaths of despair: the unrecognized tragedy of working class immiseration

Muertes por desesperación: la tragedia no reconocida de la miseria de la clase trabajadora […] El término muertes por desesperación proviene de los economistas de Princeton Anne Case y Angus Deaton, quienes se propusieron comprender qué explicaba la caída de la esperanza de vida en Estados Unidos. […] las tasas de mortalidad de más rápido aumento entre los estadounidenses se debían a sobredosis de drogas, suicidio y enfermedad hepática alcohólica.[…] estas muertes ocurrieron de manera desproporcionada en hombres blancos que no habían obtenido títulos universitarios. […] statnews.com | Deaths of despair: the unrecognized tragedy of working class immiseration  

Hacia la reversión de la globalizacion.

[…] With bare supermarket shelves and the shortage of PPE supplies, the pandemic brought the fragility of global trade and supply chains into stark relief. The tragic war in Ukraine and the political and economic chaos that followed have further underlined the vulnerabilities of globalization. The world, it turns out, isn’t flat—in fact, it’s quite bumpy. This fragmentation has been coming for decades, observes Foroohar. Our neoliberal economic philosophy of prioritizing efficiency over resilience and profits over local prosperity has produced massive inequality, persistent economic insecurity, and distrust in our institutions. This philosophy, which underpinned the last half century of globalization, has run its course. Place-based economics and a wave of technological innovations now make it possible to keep operations, investment, and wealth closer to home, wherever that may be. […] branko2f7.substack.com | Let’s go back to mercantilism and trade blocs!

El hombre que contaba infinitos

[…] Cantor reveló que el infinito en sí mismo es un número. De hecho, infinitamente muchos números. Una revelación que desafió profundamente el establecimiento matemático. […] «El verdadero logro de Cantor fue mostrar que hay infinitos más grandes que otros, algo sencillamente asombroso», bbc.com | Georg Cantor, el matemático que descubrió que hay muchos infinitos y no todos son del mismo tamaño – BBC News Mundo      

Reuniones y Power Point

Desterrar powerpoint de las reuniones las hace más productivas. Esta herramienta evita profundizar en el tema de la reunión y actua como un elemento distractor en lugar de convertirse en un facilitador de transmisión de ideas. […] The company that has most famously embraced embedded pre-work is Amazon, where the first few minutes of each meeting (or even the first 30-plus minutes) are spent reviewing a memo that will form the basis of that hour’s discussion.[…] hbr.org | How to Effectively Build Pre-Work into Meetings

Memoria y Evolución Personal

  […] I have few memories of being four […] I have no memories of my own feelings, thoughts, or personality […] people often have difficulty recalling even basic facts about what they lived through decades earlier […]   […] The stories we tell ourselves about whether we’ve changed are bound to be simpler than the elusive reality. But that’s not to say that they’re inert. […]       newyorker.com | Are You the Same Person You Used to Be?