China y las empresas de internet de consumo

Muy a tener en cuenta. La estrategia china de crecimiento considera que las las empresas de internet dedicadas a las redes sociales, consumo, etc no aportan gran cosa al avance tecnológico y económico. Por el contrario el gobierno chino considera que estas empresas son un lastre para la economía y el el futuro. Y esta tomando medidas para darles a estas empresas la mínima dimensión posible y la menor capacidad de influencia, muy al contrario que el Occidente, donde estas empresas gozan de privilegios legales.
[…]China is smashing its internet companies.[…] This is strange because for years, it was conventional wisdom in the Western media that having a “tech” sector was crucial to innovation and growth […] But notice that China isn’t cracking down on all of its technology companies […] it’s the consumer-facing internet software companies that Americans tend to label “tech”. […]
[…]America we often tend to equate profit with value[…] population of people who play games, buy household goods online, and order food delivery does not make a country a technological or scientific leader…These are fine companies, but in my view, the milestones of our technological civilization ought to be found in scientific and industrial achievements instead. […]
[…] Xi declared this year that while digitization is important, “we must recognize the fundamental importance of the real economy… and never deindustrialize.”[…]