Globalization and its New Discontents

En los paises desarrollados las clases medias y bajas van a estar peor:

[…] they pushed for policies that restructured markets in ways that increased inequality and undermined overall economic performance; growth actually slowed as the rules of the game were rewritten to advance the interests of banks and corporations – the rich and powerful – at the expense of everyone else […] The two new large agreements that President Barack Obama has been pushing – the Trans-Pacific Partnership between the US and 11 Pacific Rim countries, and the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership between the EU and the US – are moves in the wrong direction. […]

Many neoliberal economists, confronted with surging support for populists in Europe and the US, remain convinced that everyone really is benefiting from globalization; they just don’t know it. But if the problem is one of psychology, not…|De Joseph E. Stiglitz